Common Signs of Varicose Veins

Common Signs of Varicose Veins

Aching and swollen legs, and twisted veins can be uncomfortable precursors to varicose veins. These occur when vein valves are weakened or damaged. The weakened valves prevent blood from efficiently returning to the heart, causing blood to accumulate in the vein, and resulting in its enlargement. Although this process can affect all veins, varicose veins specifically refer to the larger veins.

For some, varicose veins are simply a cosmetic issue, but in others, this is a sign of more serious medical conditions.

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5 Ways You Can Benefit from Sclerotherapy

Are your varicose veins or spider veins causing you to avoid wearing your favorite outfit? Vein disease shouldn’t take away your self-confidence. If you’re looking for a way to diminish the appearance of varicose veins or spider veins, consider sclerotherapy. This non-invasive procedure has many benefits and may help you regain your confidence!  [Read more…]

When Should You Consult a Vein Specialist?

Veins are essential to bodily health and function, which is why it’s important to stay on top of any vein problems.  There are a variety of reasons that you may want to seek a vein specialist for your veins, but it can be difficult to know exactly when to consult with a professional.  [Read more…]

Athletes Get Varicose Veins, Too

Athletes Get Varicose Veins, Too

Varicose veins can affect anyone. Exercise can combat circulatory and venous issues but hereditary predispositions may still override preventative measures. Almost 50 percent of patients have a family history of the condition. If you’re an athlete looking to reduce the swelling and regain competitive form, we have some useful tips to keep you performing your best. [Read more…]

What is Chronic Venous Disease?

What is Chronic Venous Disease?

Chronic Venous Disease (CVD) are other chronic conditions related to or caused by veins that have become diseased or abnormal. [Read more…]

Is It Time to Consider Compression Stockings?


Spider and varicose veins might just be unsightly nuisances to you, but they are actually the visual alerts to a bigger problem like chronic venous insufficiency. This is a disease that basically prevents blood from flowing back up the leg, leaving blood to pool and veins to bulge. [Read more…]

How Does Exercise Affect Varicose Veins?

If you have unsightly varicose veins, you are probably concerned about how to prevent them from getting worse. You may even be avoiding exercise in order to keep your varicose veins under control. Thankfully, avoiding exercise isn’t necessary, and it may even do more harm than good. After all, moderate exercises have been shown to make varicose veins less noticeable and less painful for many people.

Exercise and Varicose Veins: What You Need To Know

Exercise and Varicose Veins


What You Need to Know About Exercise and Varicose Veins

While exercise cannot get rid of any varicose veins you have already, it can help prevent them from worsening. Regular exercise increases your blood circulation, helping to prevent your blood from pooling. When you move the muscles in your legs, you push blood through your veins back to your heart, which helps with varicose vein symptoms. Exercise has the added benefit of helping you to keep your weight under control, which can alleviate some symptoms of varicose veins.

Take Precautions

While moderate exercise is recommended to help with varicose veins, it is important that you take proper care when you’re performing exercises to get the best benefits. Never strain or push too hard when exercising, as this can make varicose veins worse. You want to make sure that you’re performing all exercises gently and that you’re listening to your body. If you feel pain, this is a warning sign from your body telling you that you need to stop what you’re doing. By respecting and honoring what your body is telling you, you stand to get the most benefit from exercises for varicose veins.

Take Time to Elevate

After you do any sort of exercise intended to alleviate your varicose vein symptoms, you should take some time to rest afterward. Most experts recommend that you elevate your feet to help relieve the discomfort of varicose veins. To get the best results, you should elevate your feet and legs above the level of your heart. This way, gravity can help to push blood out of your  legs back into your heart.

Start Fighting Varicose Veins Now

Exercise can help with varicose veins, but you’ll need to partner with a varicose vein fighting expert to get rid of them for good. Taking action against varicose veins can have a major impact on your everyday life, alleviating pain and letting you wear whatever you want with confidence.

Find out how to fight varicose veins with the experts at Summit Skin & Vein Care.

Call us today to get started! (816) 533-4398

Proudly serving Kansas City, Lee’s Summit and surrounding areas


Four Foods You Should Be Eating to Ease Spider Vein Symptoms

If you suffer from spider veins, you know how unsightly they can be. Thankfully, relief may be closer than you think. Here are four foods you should be eating in order to minimize the symptoms of your spider veins. While they likely won’t banish your spider veins completely, these four foods can help, and when it comes to spider veins, every little bit helps.

Foods That Make Spider Veins More Manageable

Spider Vein Treatment in Lee's Summit

1. Bioflavonoids

Bioflavonoids, which are found in colorful fruits and vegetables, strengthen your blood vessel walls, reducing some of the symptoms of spider veins. Bioflavonoids can be found in citrus fruits, strawberries, spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and green tea.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps your body build up enough collagen and elastin. In turn, these two tissues help build up your veins, helping to reduce the effects spider veins have on your body. Foods that contain vitamin C include citrus fruits, cauliflower and red peppers.

3. Fiber

While fiber doesn’t affect your veins directly, consuming enough fiber can help decrease your chances of getting spider veins. When you don’t have enough fiber, this can put additional strain on your veins. Increase your fiber and reduce your strain, and you will help make your spider veins a little easier to live with. Foods that contain fiber include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, peas and bran.

4. Low-Salt Foods

Swelling is a common symptom that comes with spider veins. Reduce your swelling by consuming a diet that is low in salt. This means limiting the amount of fast food and prepackaged food that you consume, and refraining from adding additional salt to your food yourself.

While a healthy diet cannot completely cure your spider veins, it is a great way to help reduce your current symptoms and to help prevent them from worsening. Plus, eating healthy foods is good for your overall health as well. Make these four great changes to your diet today, and not only will you look better, but you’ll feel better too.

Partner With the Experts to Banish Spider Veins

A healthy lifestyle can certainly improve your symptoms, but if you want to get rid of spider veins for good, you need to take action. At Summit Skin & Vein Care, we are passionate about using the latest spider vein fighting technologies to help our clients enjoy smoother legs and happier summers. Find out how to fight spider veins with the skilled team at Summit Skin & Vein Care.

Call us today to get started! (816) 533-4398

Proudly serving Kansas City, Lee’s Summit and surrounding areas

What is Sclerotherapy?

If you are one of the millions of people who suffers from varicose veins or spider veins, chances are you have heard you do not have to treat your conditions unless they are bothering you. You might not like how your spider veins make your legs look, or you might suffer from chronic leg pain, swelling, cramping, or heaviness as a result of varicose veins. If so, you may choose to pursue a varicose or spider vein treatment such as sclerotherapy. If not, you may let your vein issues go untreated.

As we discussed in our last post on chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins and spider veins can lead to more serious circulatory complications in the legs. Thus, even if your spider veins or varicose veins are not currently causing you cosmetic embarrassment or physical discomfort, we recommend that you have them examined and treated before they contribute to larger vein issues.

At Summit Skin & Vein Care, we offer a number of treatment options for varicose and spider veins, including sclerotherapy. But what exactly does sclerotherapy entail?

What is Sclerotherapy?

Literally translated as “hard therapy,” sclerotherapy is a process used to treat varicose and spider veins. During the procedure, the vein specialist will use a tiny needle to inject a medication into your vein. The medication, called a sclerosant, is designed to irritate and harden the vein lining, which causes the veins to break down and disappear.

Ultrasound-guided Sclerotherapy

What is Sclerotherapy | Kansas City

In ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy, a medical professional monitors the vein being treated on an ultrasound screen, allowing treatment of veins that are deeper and would otherwise need surgical removal.

Sclerotherapy Recovery

After your sclerotherapy session, you will need to wear a compression stocking for seven days. You should walk frequently, as this will make your legs feel better, and you will be able to return to work immediately.

Get Sclerotherapy in the Kansas City Area

You can receive sclerotherapy treatment for your varicose or spider veins from a phlebology expert like Summit Skin & Vein Care.

Contact us at (816) 533-4398 today for more information or to schedule an appointment!

What Causes Vein Disease?

If you’re diagnosed with a vein disease, such as spider veins, varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, or chronic venous insufficiency, one of your first questions might be what causes vein disease, or how might I have prevented this?

There are several causes for vein disease, or risk factors that increase your chances of developing a vein disease. Although some causes are factors we can’t change, like gender, age, or ethnicity, others are lifestyle choices that can be adjusted to decrease the chance of vein disease. Understanding what causes vein disease will help protect you against spider and varicose veins, blood clots, and more.

What Causes Vein Disease?


What Causes Vein Disease | Kansas CityCitizens of industrialized nations like the United States are more likely to develop vein disease due to their more sedentary lifestyle. Riding in cars and sitting at a computer are more common in these nations, and since remaining in one position for a long period of time — whether you’re standing, sitting, or lying down — leads to vein disease like varicose and spider veins. The longer you remain in one position, the more likely you are to develop vein disease.

Ankle Mobility

Another cause of vein disease? Lack of ankle mobility. Your calf muscles work as a pump, pushing blood against gravity from your legs to your heart, and when you move your ankles, your calves pump better. An immobile ankle increases your chances of getting a vein disease.


As you grow older, you increase your chance of getting a vein disease. Smaller issues that began earlier eventually progress into more serious problems. As our bodies lose collagen, our vein walls break down and lose elasticity, causing the walls to stretch and leak. This leads to vein disease like varicose or spider veins.

Although senior citizens do have a 50% greater chance of suffering from venous insufficiency than younger people, they do not have different success rates after venous treatments. Thus, even if you are elderly, treating your vein disease should still work well.


Gene mapping has revealed a genetic component to venous disease, suggesting that vein disease is hereditary. Though more research needs to be done in this area, if someone in your family has varicose or spider veins, you are likely to get them as well. Be aware of your family medical history to know if it might cause vein disease.


Race is another factor that causes vein disease. Studies have shown a higher occurrence of varicose veins in Caucasians than those of Asian, Hispanic, and African American descent.


Gender is another risk factor for vein disease. Women are 2 ½ times more likely to develop varicose or spider veins than men, mostly due to female hormones like progesterone, which cause vein walls to stretch. During pregnancy, women have high progesterone levels that cause vein disease. When the veins are stretched for 9 months during pregnancy, they may never return to their original size.

Fight the Causes of Vein Disease

Although some causes of vein disease obviously can’t be helped — gender, ethnicity, family history, and age, namely — those associated with our lifestyle can be adjusted.

If your job requires you to stay seated or standing in the same position for long periods of time, get up and move. If you are on bed rest, flex your ankles frequently. Ladies, limit your time in high heels, as they inhibit ankle mobility and thus cause vein disease. While pregnant, wear graduated compression stockings to encourage healthy circulation.

Kansas City Vein Disease Treatments

If you have any of the above risk factors for vein disease and you live in Kansas City, Summit Skin & Vein Care can help identify and treat your vein disease.

Contact Summit Skin & Vein Care at  (816) 533-4398 today for more information or to schedule an appointment!

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