4 Reasons Why Winter Is The Best Season For Vein Treatments

the best season for vein treatments with someone walking away in bootsIt’s officially winter! Right now it is easier to hide unsightly veins under layers of clothes, but there are many reasons that it ‘tis the season for getting a leg up this summer with a vein treatment from Summit Skin and Vein Care.

Common Vein Conditions

Varicose veins and spider veins are among the most common vein conditions. The symptoms of these types of conditions do not come and go with the seasons, but instead, pose year-round pain and embarrassment that results in reduced self-confidence.

Varicose veins can appear as large, bulging veins under the skin’s surface, and can be linked to more concerning circulation issues. Varicose veins can be the result of dysfunctional valves that cause blood to flow backward and collect in the veins, making them enlarged.

Spider veins are very small veins that appear as a red, purple, or blue web of veins that are just below the surface of the skin, and can be a sign of underlying vein disease.

Why Should You Get Your Vein Treatment this Winter?

No matter the vein condition, colder temperatures can constrict veins and even possibly lessen swelling and pain symptoms. However, a reduction in pain is only temporary. Getting a vein treatment will have a long-lasting impact on removing discomfort permanently.
Here are four reasons why winter is the best season for vein treatment:

1. Recover “undercover” before you shed those layers in the summer

A vein procedure can involve some recovery time. In the winter you have the luxury of several months before you reveal your vein-free legs.

2. Conceal any needed wardrobe changes underneath long pants

If you have to wear compression stockings to speed up healing, no one will know! Let’s face it – not many can pull off a fashion statement like compression stockings and shorts – and if you have your treatment in the winter, you won’t have to even worry about it.

3. Hide side effects

Some treatments can produce mild bruising, redness, or swelling. In the winter you can more easily hide these side effects.

4. Allows for avoiding the sun

Vein treatment can sometimes cause temporary skin discoloration. By getting treatment in the winter, you can avoid any potential embarrassment from skin discoloration.

Vein Treatments in Lee’s Summit

To learn more about Summit Skin and Vein’s vein treatments and get a jump on permanent solutions this winter, schedule a consultation with Summit Skin and Vein Care. We will work with you to find the best treatment options for your specific needs. With effective treatments this winter you will be bare-ing your legs this summer with newfound confidence.

For the best treatment for veins, seek help from your local vein specialist. Contact us today to set up a FREE color duplex ultrasound scan! Our specialists will be happy to discuss your vein treatment options with you.

Knowing and Recognizing the Different Types of Vein Disease

vein disease header image - a photograph of a leg

Most people don’t think about their veins until something goes wrong. Vein disease is a common problem, but it can often be treated successfully if it’s caught early. Let’s discuss the different types of vein disease and how to identify them. We will also talk about the symptoms of vein disease and the treatment options available. If you think you may have vein disease, make an appointment with Summit Skin and Vein Care today.

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3 Benefits of Sclerotherapy

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Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure that is used to treat spider veins. Spider veins are enlarged, twisted veins that can be seen just below the surface of the skin. They often look like cords and can be blue, purple, or red in color. Sclerotherapy involves injecting a sclerosing agent into the vein. This sclerosing agent causes the vein to collapse and disappear. In this blog post, we will discuss the top three benefits of sclerotherapy.
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Varicose Veins and Summer: 3 Ways You Can Beat the Heat

The summer sun is shining and the temperatures are rising! For many people, this is a time of fun in the sun and relaxation. But for those who suffer from varicose veins, summer can be a time of increased discomfort and embarrassment. Varicose veins are enlarged veins that often become visible just underneath the skin. They can be itchy and sore, and they can make you feel self-conscious when you’re wearing shorts or a swimsuit. Here are three ways that you can beat the heat and minimize the appearance of your varicose veins during the summer months.
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3 Ways to Manage Varicose Veins as an Athlete

 ways to manage varicose veins as an athlete
Varicose veins are a common problem for athletes. The constant pressure on the veins caused by running and jumping can lead to varicose veins in the legs. If left untreated, varicose veins can cause pain and swelling in the legs. Let’s look at three ways that athletes can manage varicose veins with an active lifestyle.
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7 Tips for Pregnant Women with Varicose Veins

Pregnant women are often faced with a number of new challenges, and varicose veins can be one of them. Varicose veins can be caused by weight gain, constricted blood flow, and other pregnancy-related factors. If you’re pregnant and have varicose veins, don’t worry – we have some tips for you! In this blog post, we will discuss how to help manage them.

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Vitamins and Supplements that Support Vein Health

Varicose veins are a common and well-known symptom of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) and other venous diseases. However, there are other, less well-known symptoms of varicose veins that can trouble you before they become visible. These symptoms include restless leg syndrome, leg cramps, rashes, and skin discoloration. 

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What to Do if You Develop Varicose Veins While Pregnant

Pregnancy is a time of great joy for many women, but it can come with a few drawbacks. One negative side effect of pregnancy: varicose veins. Varicose veins are a common undesirable result of pregnancy, and they are not fun to deal with. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with varicose veins for the rest of your life—there are ways to treat them. You can get back to enjoying your life without worrying about these troublesome veins or dealing with the pain, unsightliness, and discomfort that comes with them. 

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Spring Tips For Varicose Veins

Spring is in the air, and even though the seasons are changing, the pain in your varicose veins remains constant. At Summit Skin & Vein Care, we understand how uncomfortable varicose veins can be. That’s why we’ve put together a list of things that you can do to help lessen the pain and put the spring back in your step.

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Can You Cure Varicose Veins With Home Remedies?

Varicose Veins can be extremely painful to live with. There is so much information about how home remedies can help varicose veins, but can any of them cure varicose veins?

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