The Best Foods for Your Skin

When it comes to nourishing your skin, nothing does as good of job than the foods you eat. You read that right! No cream or serum works as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. Addressing which foods to choose and which foods to avoid is our goal. Read further for tips on how to have healthy, glowing skin using the things you find in your pantry or local supermarket.blond woman eat green apple

Pomegranate Perfection

Pomegranates are perfect because they’re packed with polyphenols which are antioxidants that fight free radicals. The help regulate the skin’s blood flow and give you a rosy glow. Eat at least one pomegranate or drink a few glasses of juice daily to help your skin. It’s one sweet food that you don’t need to feel guilty about consuming.

Peppers for Peepers

Fight wrinkles around the eyes with delicious green and yellow vegetables. Make a meal out of peppers. The food tastes great raw and cooked.

Even it Out with Edamame

Another food that’s great for the skin is soy. It contains minerals and proteins that help reduce hyperpigmentation. Prepare a cup of edamame or soy milk a day for a clearer complexion. It’s a food you can sink your teeth in.

Calming Green Tea

High in antioxidants which help reduce redness and inflammation, a cup of green tea does wonders for the skin. Brew a cup a day and enjoy taking good care of your skin. No one argues with the logic behind some good self-care.

Now that you know which foods work best for your skin, you’ll be careful to add them to your shopping cart and diet. Avoid fatty, fried foods which clog the skin and cause breakouts. Drink plenty of water to eliminate wastes from your body and to keep skin looking fresh and clean. The food you eat really make a difference in how you look and feel.

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For more information about our skin care, call Summit Skin and Vein Care in Lee’s Summit at (816) 533-4398.

Tips to Prevent Appearance of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are not solely an aesthetic problem, and can signify more serious venous complications.
Damaged or weak valves in the veins can create increased pressure on the walls of the veins when they fill with blood. This causes the veins to expand and causes appearance of varicose veins. This typically occurs in the legs more than other areas of the body.

Sometimes varicose and/or spider veins cannot be prevented due to genetic predispositions to weak vein walls, but there are certain tips to keep in mind in order to delay their appearance or reduce the risk of onset.

underwater view of senior man swimming competitively1.) Regular exercise

Daily exercise can improve the leg strength, and promotes better circulation. Lighter exercise, such as walking or swimming, is recommended. Strenuous physical activity, like running or weightlifting, increases pressure on the veins, and should be avoided to delay the appearance of varicose veins. Maintaining a healthy weight through exercise can also decrease pressure on your veins.

2.) Avoid standing/sitting for prolonged periods

Standing for a long period of time is stressful to weak veins, and can cause blood to accumulate in the legs. If standing for long periods, be sure to move around to promote better blood flow in the legs. Sitting for long periods can also cause blood to accumulate in the legs.

3.) Leg elevation

Slightly elevating your legs when you sit or lie down improves better bloodflow from the legs to the heart. Elevating your legs decreases pressure on the veins and promotes better circulation. When you lie down, consider putting a pillow under your feet to keep your legs slightly elevated. When sitting down, consider resting your feet on a nearby chair or stool.

Vitamin E4.) Modify your diet

Cut back on salt. Salt can cause increased swelling, which leads to varicose veins. Taking vitamin supplements, such as Vitamin E, are thought to promote skin andvein health. Consult with your doctor before adding nutritional supplements into your diet.

Let us help with your any of your varicose vein concerns.

Summit Skin & Vein Care in Lee’s Summit, MO, can diagnose your venous problems and provide professional treatments to treat and diminish the appearance of varicose veins.

To make an appointment, call (816) 533-4398 today.

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