Teacher’s are at Risk for Varicose Veins

There’s a lot of stress that goes along with being a teacher. Early mornings, late nights, rowdy classrooms, grading homework – teachers have enough to worry about without also having to cope with varicose veins. However, as we progress through the 2021-2022 school year, we’re reminded that teachers are at risk for varicose veins. While there are many reasons that teachers might develop varicose veins, there are also things that teachers can do to prevent or minimize the appearance of varicose veins.

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A Guide to Exercising with Varicose Veins

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with or noticed the existence of varicose veins in your legs, you may already be researching ways to eliminate them. However, if you’re simply looking to minimize their impact or increase your overall comfort level, try incorporating daily exercise into your routine.

The key to successful exercise for varicose veins is to focus on low-impact activities. The reason for this is because high impact exercise like running or jumping increases your blood pressure, thus putting undue pressure on varicose veins. Skip the jogging and try low-impact exercise activities, instead.

Let’s explore a few potential workout routines and low-impact activities that can help improve your quality of life while also assuaging the pain and discomfort associated with varicose veins.

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Summer Skincare Tips

Your skin is the first thing the world sees of you. While beauty is far more than your skin’s surface, it’s still important to take care of your skin so it can take care of you. Summertime is especially hard on skin. Harsh UV rays can cause sunburn and skin damage. Dry air can lead to dry skin. Warm weather can bring out the blood-loving bugs. Hot, humid weather can result in heat rash.

There’s no question that summer can be tough on your skin, but there are ways to take care of your skin, even in the hotter months. Here are a few tips to keep your skin at its best, so you don’t get the summertime skin condition blues.

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When‌ ‌To‌ ‌Seek‌ ‌Varicose‌ ‌Vein‌ ‌Treatment‌ ‌

While for some people, varicose veins are a cosmetic nuisance, others have to deal with throbbing pain that can distract from daily activities. Varicose veins are caused when vein valves become damaged or weakened. These failing vein valves prevent blood from efficiently returning to the heart, causing blood to accumulate in the vein and eventually resulting in the vein’s enlargement. 

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Winter Vein Health Care

With all of this cold weather, it’s easy to neglect caring for your vein health. However, now is the most important time to focus on the health of your veins. Summit Skin and Vein Care has put together some tips to help care for your veins this winter.

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How to Survive the Holidays With Varicose Veins

It’s the most wonderful, yet stressful time of the year. The holidays can be cheerful, but they can also be hard for those who have varicose veins. Here are 6 tips on how to survive the holiday by reducing the pain you may experience from varicose veins:

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How to Manage Varicose Vein Pain

Many people that experience varicose veins suffer pain. This is because the valves in the veins are malfunctioning, making it harder for blood to flow upwards. Without proper blood flow, the blood starts to pool and collect in areas, increasing the pressure on the vein, causing it to bulge and/or twist. Over time this pressure can result in pain. Summit Skin & Vein Care recommends a consultation for advice on a possible long-term treatment for varicose veins. However, when awaiting treatment options, try these methods to assist in reducing the pain of varicose veins.

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October Events in Lee’s Summit


Family Fun This October

Looking for something to do in Lee’s Summit in October? There are plenty of fun-filled family events going on!

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6 Tips for Fall Skin Care

summit-skin-and-vein-fall-skin-careSummer has finally come to a close, and your skin likely shows it. Because fall is a time of transition for our skin and bodies, the best fall skin care regimens will correct any summer damage that has occurred, and help prepare your skin for winter. Sun, chlorine, and even harsh temperatures may have taken a toll on your skin throughout the summer, so autumn is a great time to exfoliate and moisturize on a regular basis. [Read more…]

Are Your Beauty Products Safe?

The Dangers Hiding in Your Makeup Bag

Usually we think of our makeup products as beautiful little jewels and a fun part of our beauty routine. Unfortunately for our favorite little beauty boosters, scientists have discovered a lot of hidden bacteria, microbes, and other gross gunk having a party in our makeup products. Read on to discover what might be hiding in your beauty products, and what you can do about it.

Makeup BrushesBeauty Products

Your makeup brushes are some of the dirtiest tools in your bag. Think about it: you wipe them onto your face and back into your products every day, transferring tiny microbes with the help of the oils in your skin. Luckily this one is a fairly easy fix. Simply wash your brushes with warm water and baby shampoo once a week to keep your brushes clean and to stop harmful bacteria from getting in the way of beautiful skin.


This one is tough, because it’s a product we are always reapplying throughout the day, and even sometimes sharing with friends. Lipstick also has the potential to do the most harm, because it is applied directly to the mouth, so any germs it may hold are going directly into your body. For the healthiest lipstick, always wipe your mouth down before applying to avoid transferring bacteria back onto the lipstick. Also, shave off the top of your lipstick about once a week to cut off any bacteria that has started to grow there. Finally, never share your lipstick, or any makeup for that matter!

Expired Beauty Products

Okay, we are all guilty of this one. Sometimes you haven’t used all the product up by the time of its expiration date, so what’s the harm of saving a little money and not wasting a perfectly good product, right? Wrong. Expiration dates exist for a reason. At the expiration date, the preservatives in your beauty products have run out, meaning that they are at a high risk for having had time to accumulate too many contaminates to be safe for use. Use this guide to know when to toss which products: liquid eyeliners and mascara should be replaced every two to three months; toss out general face products after six months to a year; throw away your lipstick after one to two years.

Ready to Replace Old Beauty Products?

Looking for a healthy, natural new makeup collection to try? Jane Iredale’s mineral makeup might be just what you are looking for. Jane’s pure-pressed powder compacts are made from anodized aluminum, which releases few toxins into the environment, and as a result, fewer toxins are getting into your skin! Her beautiful products have a natural broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection of SPF 20, and are Paraben free. At Summit Skin & Vein, we love Jane, and we are happy to introduce you to our collection of her fabulous beauty products. Stop in today or call us at (816) 533-4398 to learn more!

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