What is DVT?


Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) 

Pain or swelling in the legs or arms can significantly change your lifestyle. If your leg or arm pain is coupled with a pre-existing medical condition that affects blood clotting, if you are overweight or smoke, if you had a recent fracture in your pelvis, hips or lower extremities – you might be at risk for Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). This illness occurs when a blood clot forms deep in the body and partially or completely blocks blood flow through the vein.

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The Benefits of Compression Stockings

Compression socks, or stockings, are a stretchy type of elastic hosiery that are snug fitting to gently squeeze your leg. The compression helps improve your blood flow which can lessen pain, keep your legs from getting tired and achy, ease swelling in feet and ankles, and can help prevent and treat vein diseases such as varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis.

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DVT Awareness Month: Recognize Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) impacts an astonishing number of people each year. While the exact number of cases is unknown, the CDC estimates that around 900,000 people experience symptoms of DVT every year. Patients develop DVT when a blood clot, called a thrombus, forms in a large vein, usually in the leg. This can lead to partial or completely blocked circulation and can be dangerous for some. Different issues can cause DVT; it’s important to recognize the symptoms and are familiar with risk factors to see if DVT could be an issue in your life.
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