Restless Legs Syndrome

Willis-Ekbom disease, more commonly known as restless legs syndrome, is a condition that causes an uncontrollable urge to move one’s legs. Typically, an uncomfortable sensation will cause this need to move and it happens most often in the evening while you’re sitting or lying down. It’s estimated that 7-10% of the US population suffers from restless legs syndrome. While restless legs syndrome typically has no cure, there is one treatable cause that tends to get overlooked: varicose veins.

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Connecting Vein Disease and Restless Leg Syndrome

There is a strong similarity between Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) symptoms and vein disease symptoms. Both illnesses can have a serious impact on your life. Seeking treatment for vein disease can also help with many of the causes of Restless Leg Syndrome and help improve your health.

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