Although the major, holiday-induced travel season has come and gone, deep vein thrombosis remains a big issue for select individuals. Flying or traveling by train or car in cramped, uncomfortable conditions can result in more than a neck ache for some travelers. “Economy class syndrome” is a term that has been coined to describe deep vein thrombosis, a serious health complication that arises from long, stagnant periods of inactivity in crowded seating areas. Although some people have health conditions that predispose them to developing this condition, there are some preventative measures that can be taken to avoid deep vein thrombosis. Allow the experts at Summit Skin & Vein Care of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, to explain these precautions in detail.

How It Happens

Lengthy periods of stagnation can cause leg discomfort and, worse, deep vein thrombosis. The restriction of healthy blood flow can cause a deep-vein blood clot. Deep-vein blood clots can become a potentially fatal issue if it is dislodged into the lungs upon the return to normal blood circulation. When this happens, a pulmonary embolism can occur, which sometimes causes death. While health conditions like pregnancy, obesity, and heart disease can increase a person’s risk for the development of deep vein thrombosis, this condition knows no limits. In the right circumstances, even the healthiest of individuals can fall victim to deep vein thrombosis.

Traveling Tips:

Deep Vein Thrombosis Prevention Tip #1 – Stay Hydrated.

Staying fully hydrated is key to your comfort and safety while traveling. Dehydration can cause your blood to thicken, making you more susceptible to the development of serious blood clots like deep vein thrombosis. As a rule of thumb, avoid alcoholic beverages and drink lots of water as your travel.

Deep Vein Thrombosis Prevention Tip #2 – Uncross Your Legs.

Crossed legs restrict your blood flow, whereas uncrossed legs enable the free flow of blood throughout your circulatory system. When your legs are confined, keep them flat to help promote good blood flow.

Deep Vein Thrombosis Prevention Tip #3 – Flex Your Feet.

Even the most cramped conditions usually have space for you to flex your feet up and down while you are seated. This activity helps move your calves, prompting healthy blood flow throughout your body. In addition, taking a stroll down the aisle every so often is another way to restore normal blood flow.

Deep Vein Thrombosis Prevention Tip #4 – Wear Graduated Compression Stockings.

The stretching of veins during prolonged periods of inactivity throughout travel are another factor that increase your chances of blood clots like deep vein thrombosis. The solution? Wearing graduated compression stockings can help prevent idle, leg-induced vein stretching that sometimes causes deep vein thrombosis.

We Can Help

Before you travel again, be sure to think about ways you can proactively protect yourself from deep vein thrombosis. This condition is serious and it should be avoided at all costs. Need assistance? Summit Skin & Vein Care of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, is here to help.

Suffering from deep vein thrombosis or another vein-related health condition?

Contact Summit Skin & Vein Care of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, to learn about our vein quick scan and other services by calling (816) 533-4398.